NEC PC-8201A BASIC Cross Reference

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Cross-Reference for Tandy Model 100 BASIC and NEC PC-8201A N82 BASIC

The BASICs in the two computers are similar. They seem to be slightly
different versions of the same interpreter. All things considered, the
M100 has a better command set for some ML functions and graphics from
BASIC.  The NEC uses a faster set of low-level math routines, so the
NEC is faster at number crunching. Most programs can be converted from
one machine to the other.

TANDY 102           NEC 8201A        DESCRIPTION
---------           ---------        ------------------

ABS                 ABS              Absolute value
AND                 AND              Logical AND
ASC                 ASC              ASCII value of char
ATN                 ATN              Arctangent (radians)
BEEP                BEEP             Beep the internal speaker
LOADM               BLOAD            Load machine language program
-                   BLOAD?           Compare ML prog in RAM to one on CAS
SAVEM               BSAVE            Save ML program
CALL                EXEC             Execute/jump to ML program in RAM.
                                     Addresses in M100/NEC incompatible.
CDBL                CDBL             Convert to double-precision real
CHR$                CHR$             Convert ASCII value to char
CINT                CINT             Convert to integer
CLEAR               CLEAR            Reset vars, set string space, and
                                     set upper RAM boundary
CLOAD               CLOAD            Load program from cassette (CAS)
CLOAD?              CLOAD?           Compare prog in RAM to one on CAS
CLOADM              BLOAD            Load ML prog from cassette
CLOSE               CLOSE            Close file handle
CLS                 CLS              Clear screen
COM ON              COM ON           Enable COM interrupt
COM OFF             COM OFF          Disable COM interrupt
COM STOP            COM STOP         Disable COM interrupt temporarily
CONT                CONT             Continue suspended BASIC prog
COS                 COS              Cosine (radians)
CSAVE               CSAVE            Save prog to cassette
CSAVEM              BSAVE            Save ML program to cassette
CSNG                CSNG             Convert to single precision real
CSRLIN              CSRLIN           Returns line number of cursor pos
DATA                DATA             Declare data element(s) for READ
DATE$               DATE$            Return or set date to/from clock
DAY$                -                Return or set day. Mon/Tue/etc.
DEFDBL              DEFDBL           Define double precision variables
DEFINT              DEFINT           Define integer variables
DEFSNG              DEFSNG           Define single precision variables
DEFSTR              DEFSTR           Define string variables
DIM                 DIM              Declare dimension(s) of an array
DSKI$               DSKI$            ? Not in manual
DSKO$               DSKO$            ? Not in manual
EDIT                EDIT             Send line(s) to the editor, TEXT
END                 END              Declare end of program
EOF                 EOF              Returns true if at end of file
EQV                 EQV              Logical EQV
ERL                 ERL              Returns line number of error
ERR                 ERR              Returns error code of error
ERROR               ERROR            Simulate/force an error
EXP                 EXP              Returns e to the x power
FILES               FILES            Display files in RAM
FIX                 FIX              Return integer part of number
FOR-TO-STEP...      FOR-TO-STEP...   Loop a designated # of times
  NEXT                NEXT
FRE                 FRE              Return free memory
GOSUB...            GOSUB...         BASIC subroutine call
  RETURN              RETURN
GOTO                GOTO             Jump to specified line number
HIMEM               -                Return value of maximum RAM ?
IF...THEN...        IF...THEN...     Conditional
  ELSE                ELSE
IMP                 IMP              Logical IMP
INKEY$              INKEY$           Return value of pressed key
INP                 INP              Input a byte from an I/O port.
                                     I/O port addresses incompatible.
INPUT               INPUT            Get input from console
INPUT#              INPUT#           Get input from file handle
INPUT$              INPUT$           Get string input
INSTR               INSTR            Search for substring in string
INT                 INT              Round number to integer
IPL                 -                Set IPL program. In NEC, done from
                                     MENU rather than BASIC.
KEY                 KEY              Define function key
KEY LIST            -                ?
KEY ON              -                ?
KEY OFF             -                ?
KEY STOP            -                ?
KILL                KILL             Erase file from directory. NEC is
                                     case sensitive.
LCOPY               -                ?
LEFT$               LEFT$            Return left substring from string
LEN                 LEN              Return length of string
LET                 LET              Assign value to variable. Obsolete.
LINE                -                Draw line in graphics
LINEINPUT           LINEINPUT        Get line of input from console
LINEINPUT#          LINEINPUT#       Get line of input from file handle
LIST                LIST             List program to screen
LLIST               LLIST            List program to parallel printer
LOAD                LOAD             Load program from RAM
LOADM               BLOAD            Load ML program from RAM
PRINT@              LOCATE           Position cursor. NEC version uses x,y
                                     coord while M100 uses 1 value
LOG                 LOG              Natural log (base e)
LPOS                LPOS             Returns column of cursor position
LPRINT              LPRINT           Print to parallel printer
LPRINT USING        LPRINT USING     Print to parallel printer w formatting
MAXFILES            MAXFILES         Set max number of file handles
MAXRAM              -                ?
MDM ON              -                Enable modem interrupt
MDM OFF             -                Disable modem interrupt
MDM STOP            -                Disable modem interrupt temporarily
MENU                MENU             Exit BASIC to MENU
MERGE               MERGE            Merge prog in RAM with current prog
MID$                MID$             Return substring from string
MOD                 MOD              Integer divide
MOTOR               MOTOR            Turn ON/OFF cassette motor
NAME... AS          NAME... AS       Rename file in RAM
NEW                 NEW              Erase current BASIC prog in BASIC's
                                     working memory. RAM file unaffected.
NOT                 NOT              Logical NOT
ON COM GOSUB        ON COM GOSUB     GOSUB when char received w COM
ON ERROR GOTO       ON ERROR GOTO    Jump to line number when any error
ON KEY GOSUB        -                Subroutine when keypressed
ON MDM GOSUB        -                Subroutine when modem char received
ON TIME$ GOSUB      -                Subroutine when time
ON... GOTO          ON... GOTO       Jump based on numeric condition
ON... GOSUB         ON... GOSUB      GOSUB based on numeric condition
OPEN                OPEN             Open file handle
OR                  OR               Logical OR
OUT                 OUT              Output a byte to an I/O port. I/O
                                     port addresses incompatible.
PEEK                PEEK             Read a byte from memory. Memory
                                     maps incompatible.
POKE                POKE             Write a byte to memory. Memory
                                     maps incompatible.
POS                 POS              Same as CSRLIN
POWER               POWER            Set auto power down value
POWER CONT          POWER CONT       Set continuous power
POWER OFF           POWER OFF        Execute immediate power down
POWER OFF,          POWER OFF,       Execute immediate power down but
  RESUME              RESUME           continue exec of prog when power up
PRESET              PRESET           Reset pixel
PRINT               PRINT            Print to screen
PRINT#              PRINT#           Print to file handle
PRINT USING         PRINT USING      Formatted print to screen
PRINT# USING        PRINT# USING     Formatted print to file handle
PSET                PSET             Set pixel
READ                READ             Read data item from DATA
REM                 REM              Remark. Ignore rest of line.
-                   RENUM            Renumber program lines. Smart enough
                                     to handle GOTO, GOSUB, RESTORE, etc.
RESTORE             RESTORE          Reset DATA conditions
RESUME              RESUME           Set next line to continue from after
                                     error routine
RIGHT$              RIGHT$           Return right substr from string
RND                 RND              Random number routine. Has special
                                     seeding requirements.
RUN                 RUN              Execute BASIC program
RUNM                -                ?
SAVE                SAVE             Save program to RAM.
SAVE ... ,A         SAVE ... ,A      Save program to RAM in ASCII form
SCREEN              SCREEN           Enable/disable function key display
SGN                 SGN              Return sign of value, pos or neg
SIN                 SIN              Sine (radians)
SOUND               SOUND            Make sound with internal speaker
SOUND ON            -                Enable internal speaker
SOUND OFF           -                Disable internal speaker
SPACE$              SPACE$           Specified number of spaces
SQR                 SQR              Square root
STOP                STOP             Stop program
STR$                STR$             Convert number value to string
STRING$             STRING$          Create string of repeated character
TAB                 TAB              Position cursor on current line
                                     (used within PRINT statement)
TAN                 TAN              Tangent (radians)
TIME$               TIME$            Return or set time in clock
TIME$ ON            -                ?
TIME$ OFF           -                ?
TIME$ STOP          -                ?
VAL                 VAL              Return value of numeric string
VARPTR              -                ?
XOR                 XOR              Logical XOR

This file originally downloaded from the Club 100 web site and BBS
but expanded/corrected by David Firth (member, Club 100). Items marked
in the description with a question mark are items that I do/did not have
a good description of when I revised the file. Items marked with a dash
(-) are not applicable to one of the BASICs.

Revised 05/09/1998

Original author of this page: David Firth.

This page best viewed on ANY browser. This author strongly supports access by persons with limited-capability and text-only browsers. Content is better than flash & dazzle.