Picture Gallery

NEC PC-8201A, with the PC-8241A CRT adapter attached and a NADSBox!
That other box to the right is the PC-8231A disk drive system -- larger than the NEC itself!

Another shot, without the flash this time

Close-up of the NEC & adapter. (More to see below!)

Close-up of the screen. A little blurry, but that's as good as I can do without a tri-pod! (Keep scrolling!)

Some of the graphics capabilities (Keep scrolling!)

SIN / COS graph:

Boxes of color!

A simple loop drawing concentric circles

Screen shot of Gary's PC-8201A.
Notice the year and the name on the system menu? Fun with an EPROM programmer... :-)

Ultrascreen 100, giving a 60x10 display. Pretty cool isn't it? Too bad it's only available for the Model 100 and couldn't possibly ever work on our beloved NECs............*wink*.................to be continued!

The NEC PC-8201A

The incredibly rare red & silver PC-8201 models

The NEC PC-8300

A Japanese ad for the NEC 8200

A second advertisement

And a third...

A close relative: The Tandy Model 100

Another close relative and upgrade to the 100, it's the Tandy 102

Another close relative: The Olivetti M-10

Another close relative: The Kyo-85

The Original Laptop Computer . . . 1983

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