Welcome to the Vintage Notebooks Web Ring's Home Page!![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Vintage Notebooks Web Ring is now retired. What Was It?Vintage Notebooks are the very first 8-bit notebook-sized laptop computers that came onto the market, back in 1983. The computers that fit in this category, commonly referred to as Model "T" notebooks, are the following: TRS-80 Model 100 & 102, Model 200, NEC PC-8201A & PC-8300, Olivetti M-10, and Kyocera 85.Web Rings were a concept invented before the Internet had robust search engines. They used to link together a chain of related websites to allow easy navigation between websites that had content of the same interest. With the advent of Google and other search tools, web rings have become a deprecated technology. The Vintage Notebooks web ring used to link together sites that are related to these fine notebook computers, whereby simply hitting the "Next" button from any site in the ring would take you to another site, and eventually you would end up back at the site you started from. This used to be great for users because once they've found a site they're interested in, they could easily visit many related sites. It was also beneficial for webmasters, as it brought in visitors who might not have found you otherwise. But now that web crawlers and search bots have created gigantic databases that power the search engines of sites like Google.com, finding other sites of interest to you is painless and easy. Various web ring providers ceased providing functionality, and the two that we had used, both alt-webring.com and ringsurf.com, both relegated themselves to just being a search engine. This web page is still here, however, to serve as the tombstone to this once awesome feature. If you want to find other "Model T" related websites, I do keep some static links to some websites that may be of interest, but also just do a Google search for the names of the various Model T vintage notebook machines and you'll most certainly come up with a large list of pages out there that you can visit! Rest in Peace: The Vintage Notebooks Web RingReturn to Web8201! |