             NEC PC-8201A/PC-8300 Memory Map/Hook Table/Port Map

Revision history:

 v1.00     05/13/1996    Original compilation by Gary Weber

 v1.01     07/17/1998    Some symbols changed for html (David Firth)

 v1.02     12/15/1998    Added low-level LCD functions (David Firth)

 v1.03     01/06/1999    Fixed CLRHOM's address, MAKUPS's description, 
                          and added READY2, TEXT, MAKUP2, and CASOPN
                          (Gary Weber)

 v1.04     06/28/2001    Added MASDEL, ESC_A, CLS2, BEEP2, FILLZ, CLICK,
                          ASC_S, and ASC_R. Thanks to Herman Schnell for
                          these contributions.

 v1.05     08/09/2001    Added MENU ROM jump point.  (Gary Weber)

 v1.06     08/18/2001    Tons of additions, a couple corrections. (Gary Weber)

 v1.07     09/16/2001    Added the directory structure info
                         Reformatted the hooks table

 (http://www.web8201.com).  THANKS!

                              * ROM ROUTINES * 

Name    Hex    Dec    Description
------ ------ ------  -------------------------------------------------------

INIT    0544   1348   Init system and go to BASIC ready
SNERR   0568   1384   Abort BASIC and issue syntax error message
PCERR   056B   1387   Abort BASIC and issue pc8001 feature error
DUERR   056E   1390   Abort BASIC and issue device unavailable error
DVERR   0571   1393   Abort BASIC and issue divison by zero error
NFERR   0574   1396   Abort BASIC and next without for error
DDERR   0577   1399   Abort BASIC and double dimensioned array error
REERR   057A   1402   Abort BASIC and issue resume without error message
OVERR   057D   1405   Abort BASIC and issue overflow error message
MOERR   0580   1408   Abort BASIC and issue missing operand error message
TMERR   0583   1411   Abort BASIC and issue type mismatch error message
ERROR   0585   1413   Abort BASIC and issue error message
READY   062C   1580   Jmp vector to enter BASIC interpreter - pops BC
READY2  062D   1581   Jmp vector to enter BASIC interpreter - no pop
RDYNOK  063C   1596   JMP vector to BASIC ready/ no Init or OK
RUNCMD  064E   1614   Performs operation in (HL) buffer - returns to "ready"

LINKER  0714   1812   Correct a BASIC program's links to run at it current 
                         Input: Address of program in [txttab]
                         Output: [HL] end of BASIC program
                         Alters: All registers

LINKER1 0718   1816   (Also known as CHEAD.)  Same as linker only start 
                         address is in DE.
                         Input: [DE] beginning of BASIC program
                         Output: [HL] end of BASIC program
                         Alters: All registers

FINDLI  075B   1883   Find the line number in DE via 1576
FINDLN  075D   1885   Find line # DE starting at the beginning of the current BASIC
FINDL2  0760   1888   Find line # DE starting where HL is pointing
TKNCMP  077C   1916   Token compression routine
BASEXC  0A1D   2589   BASIC program execution routine - HL->Basic code to exec
FCERR   0B87   2951   Abort BASIC and issue illegal function call error

LET     0CB0   3248   Parse and execute let statement
                         Input: [HL] txtpnt
                         Output: [variable] at txtpnt is assigned the value of
                         the expression.  [HL] points to next location past
                         Alters: Unknown, assume all
                         Notes: Errors return to BASIC
LET2    0CB6   3254   *

LETCN2  0CC9   3273   Do variable assignment
                         Input: [HL] txtpnt
                            [top of stack] descriptor of variable to assign
                            [A] type byte for variable to assign
                            [fac] contains new argument
                            [valtyp] contains type of new argument
                         Output: [HL] text pointer
                            [new variable] contains FACLO argument
                         Alters: Unknown, assume all
                         Notes: This routine must be entered with a jump,
                            not call.  Errors return to BASIC.

FINPNT  0F26   3878   Final open processing
                         Alters: [A] and flags
                         Notes: Must be done after nulopn

FRMEVL  1091   4241   Evaluate an expression and store it to FAC
                         Input: [HL] points to text of expression
                         Output: Valtyp indicates answer in FAC
                         Alters: All, [HL] points to next text position past
                         Notes: Errors return to BASIC

MAKUPS  12B5   4789   Fetch character at [HL], convert to upper case
                         Input: [HL] points to the character to fetch
                         Output: [A] contains the uppercase value of (hl)
                         Alters: [A]

MAKUP2  12B6   4790   Convert character in [A] upper case
                         Input: [A] character to be converted if necessary
                         Output: [A] contains the uppercase character
                         Alters: [A]

LCDISP  1462   5218   Display string starting at [HL] up to a NULL
                         Input: [HL] points to the string
                         Output: None
                         Alters: ???

BUFCPY  146A   5226   Put chars into buffer until null is reached

FRMQNT  15F3   5619   Evaluate an integer expression to [DE]
                         Input: [HL] is a pointer to the text of expression
                         Output: [HL] points to the first byte following the 
                            [DE] contains the integer value of the expression
                         Alters: Unknown, assume all
                         Notes: Errors return to BASIC

CHGET   174D   5965   Get a character
                         Output: Character is in [A]
                         Alters: [A] and flags
                         Notes: Waits for input & honors time out

CHSNS   183D   6205   See if a key press has been made
                         Output: Zero flag set if character waiting else reset
                         Alters: [A] and flags

PWROFF2 18A9   6313   Power off the computer/ resume same state on power on

PWROFF  18BB   6331   Power down the machine

DIOERR  18FC   6396   Abort BASIC and issue i/o error message

LCDDSP  1942   6466   Dispatch table for lcd i/o

GSXPOP  195A   6490   Clean stack and reset power off timer
                         Output: Registers restored to values on stack
                         Alters: All

POPALL  195D   6493   Pop all regs (AF BC DE HL) and RETurn - Jump to this addr ONLY!

POPRET  195E   6494   Pop BC DE HL and RETurn - Jump to this addr ONLY!

CRTDSP  1962   6498   Dispatch table for crt i/o

RAMDSP  1974   6516   Dispatch table for ram file i/o

RAMOPN  197E   6526   Open a ram file
                         Input: [filnam] is name of .DO file
                                [HL] = input, output, append, etc..

RAMCLS  1A05   6661   Close a ram file

RAMWRT  1A24   6692   Write to a ram file

RAMINP  1A3C   6716   Read from a ram file

RAMBCK  1A93   6803   Back up to previous character for a ram file

GETPRV  1AED   6893   Calculate backup character address for ram file
                         Input: [filnum] is set to the file number
                         Output: [HL] points to the appropriate xxxprv
                         Alters: [HL]

CASDSP  1AF7   6903   Dispatch table for cassette i/o

CASOPN  1B01   6913   Open cassette file

CASCLS  1B25   6949   CAS file close routine

CASWRT  1B3F   6975   CAS file output routine

CASINP  1B4A   6986   CAS file input routine

LPTDSP  1BCC   7116   Dispatch table for lprinter i/o

LPTWRT  1BD3   7123   Send a character to the printer

COMDSP  1BDA   7130   Dispatch table for com port i/o

COMOPN  1BE4   7140   Open com:

COMCLS  1C01   7169   Close the com: port

COMWRT  1C1D   7197   Send a character to com:

COMINP  1C28   7208   Get a byte from com:

COMBCK  1C47   7239   Back up com: one character

SETSER  1C4E   7246   Initializes serial port, with specs from MODE string.
                         Input: [HL] Points to the mode string

WNDDSP  1CEC   7404   Dispatch table for bar code reader i/o

ADJFOR  1D4D   7501   Adjust for/next statements
                         Input: [BC] value to add to all pointers (ie length
                            of hole)
                         Alters: Unknown, assume all

READTM  1D7F   7551   Read system clock time and store it in HL buffer

READDT  1D9F   7583   Read system date and store it in HL buffer

DSPCHR  1EFB   7931   Displays B number of characters from the HL buffer

FILES   211F   8479   Basic's FILES statement routine

FILLST  2127   8487   Display files listing to the screen

KILAS2  21A7   8615   Kill a .DO file
                         Input: From srcnam call
                         Filename to kill in filnam
                         Alters: All, pops 2-bytes off stack before return

KILASC  21A8   8616   Kill a .DO file, Saves HL when called
                         Input: From srcnam call
                         Filename to kill in filnam
                         Alters: All

KILCOM  21C2   8642   Kill a .CO file
                         Input: From srcnam call
                            Filename to kill in filnam
                         Alters: All

KILBAS  2200   8704   Kill a .BA file
                         Input: From srcnam call
                         Filename to kill in filnam
                         Alters: All

NAMEB   223B   8763   Rename a file [not change extention type]
                         Input: Old filename in filnam
                            New filename in filnm2
                         Alters: All except [HL]
                         Notes: Error returns to BASIC

CHKREG  226A   8810   Check if the current BASIC program is registered
                         Output: Zero set means file not registered else reset
                         Alters: Unknown, assume all

SRCCOM  2272   8818   Search for a .CO file
                         Input: Search filename in filnam
                         Output: Same as SRCNAM
                         Alters: All

SRCBAS  2292   8850   Searches directory for a ".BA" file
                         Input: File name should be set up in FILNAM
                         Output: Same as SRCNAM
                         Alters: All

SRCNAM  229B   8859   Searches for a filename, returns its address.
                         Input: File name should be setup in FILNAM
                         Output: Zero set if the file does not exist
                            If zero reset then the following is valid
                            [A] type byte
                            Bit 7 =1
                            Bit 6 =1 if .DO file
                            Bit 6 =1 if .DO file
                            Bit 5 =1 if .CO file
                            Bit 4 =1 if rom 1 routine {BASIC, text, or telcom}
                            Bit 3 =unk internal use
                            Bit 2 =unk internal use
                            Bit 1 =1 if file is currently open
                            Bit 0=unk internal use
                            [HL]=pointer to this file's directory entry
                            [DE]=address of file start
                         Alters: All

SCNEMP  22D3   8915   Scan for an empty directory entry
                         Output: [HL] points to an open directory entry
                         Alters: [A], [BC], [HL]
                         Notes: Error returns to BASIC

LNKFIL  233A   9018   Fix up directory pointers
                         Alters: All
                         Notes: Must be done before a kill

MAKBAS  23D0   9168   Make hole of two bytes at ASCTAB assigned to NULDIR
                         Input: Unknown, assume nothing
                         Output: Unknown, assume nothing
                         Alters: All

COUNTB  23F6   9206   Count number of chars in HL buffer *

TXTOPN  240B   9227   Open a text file
                         Input: Filename is in filnam

SETNAM  2435   9269   Fill a directory entry
                          Input: Filename is in filnam
                            [A] directory flag
                            [DE] start of file
                            [HL] points to the directory entry to set up
                         Alters: [A], [B], [HL]

SAVBYT  266D   9837   Save contents of HL buffer to tape
                          Input: [HL] points to buffer
                          Notes: Returns to BASIC READY

LODBYT  27D1   10193  Load record from cassette into HL buffer
                          Input: Set [HL] to a buffer to receive data

REST00  280B   10251  Delete excess area created by makbat
                         Input: [HL] start of area to reclaim
                            [DE]-1 last address of the reclaim area
                         Alters: Unknown, assume all

RLOADM  28BB   10427  Load a .CO file
                         Input: Filename in filnam
                         Alters: [A], [BC], [DE]
                         Notes: Does not execute the file

MOVE1   28FD   10493  Move B number of bytes from from HL to DE  *
                         Input: [B] Number of bytes to move
                           [HL] Source
                           [DE] Destination

STR$    2AFB   11003  STR$ Function *

PRBUF   2B72   11122  Print HL buffer until null or double-quote *
                         Input: [HL] Buffer to print

MOVE2   2CD0   11472  Move L number of bytes from BC to DE *
                         Input: [L] Number of bytes to move
                           [BC] Source
                           [DE] Destination

FRETMP  2CDE   11486  Remove temporary string from string space
                         Input: [DE] points to a pointer to a string descriptor
                         Alters: Unknown, assume all

SPACE2  2D54   11604  Create a string of [E] length, filled with [A]
                         Input: [top of stack] dummy entry removed by this call
                            [next on stack] txtpnt
                            [next on stack] actual return address
                            [A] contains the fill byte
                            [E] contains the length of the string to be created
                         Output: String created and descriptor in FACLO and
                            [HL] txtpnt
                            [A] is byte at txtpnt
                         Alters: Unknown, assume all
                         Notes: Space errors return to BASIC

FADD    2EBB   11963  Compute the sum of two single precision numbers
                         Input: [HL] points to the first argument
                            [fac] contains the second argument
                         Output: [fac]=[hlarg]+[fac]
                         Alters: All
                         Notes: Overflow returns to BASIC

FSUB    2EC1   11969  Compute the dif of two single precision numbers
                         Input: [HL] points to the first argument
                            [fac] contains the second argument
                         Output: [fac]=[hlarg]-[fac]
                         Alters: All
                         Notes: Overflow returns to BASIC

LOG     2FFC   12284  Compute the natural logarithm of a single precision #
                         Input: [fac] argument
                         Output: [fac] result
                         Alters: All
                         Notes: Errors return to BASIC

FMULT   3040   12352  Compute the product of two single precision numbers
                         Input: [BC]_[DE] contains the first argument
                            [fac] contains the second argument
                         Output: [fac]=[BC]_[DE]x[fac]
                         Alters: All
                         Notes: Overflow returns to BASIC

FDIV    30A5   12453  Compute the quotient of two single precision numbers
                         Input: [BC]_[DE] contains the first argument
                            [fac] contains the second argument
                         Output: [fac]=[BC]_[DE]/[fac]
                         Alters: All
                         Notes: Overflow or /0 returns to BASIC

CONIA   31AB   12715  Convert a to an integer and store in [fac]
                         Input: [A] contains value to convert
                         Output: [fac] contains integer representation of [A]
                         Alters: Unknown, - assume all

MOVFM   31D0   12752  Move from [HL] to FAC
                         Input: [HL] points to single precision number
                         Output: [fac] contains copy of number
                         Alters: [BC], [DE], [HL]

MOVFR   31D3   12755  Move from [BC]_[DE] to FAC
                         Input: Number in [BC]_[DE]
                         Output: [fac] contains copy of number
                         Alters: [DE]

MOVRF   31DE   12766  Move from FAC to [BC]_[DE]
                         Input: Number in FAC
                         Output: [BC]_[DE] contains copy of number
                         Alters: [BC], [DE], [HL]

MOVRM   31E1   12769  Move from memory to [BC]_[DE]
                         Input: [HL] points to a single precision number
                         Output: [BC]_[DE] contains a copy of the number
                         Alters: All

MOVMF   31EA   12778  Move from FAC to memory
                         Input: [HL] points to area for number
                         Output: Number is copied to area pointed to by [HL]
                         Alters: All

MOVE    31ED   12781  Move from [DE] to [HL]
                         Input: [DE] points to a single precision number
                            [HL] points to an area for a number
                         Output: Number is copied to area pointed to by [HL]
                         Alters: [A], [B], [DE], [HL]

MOVVFM  31F2   12786  Move any type from [DE] to [HL]
                         Input: [DE] points to a number
                            [HL] points to a new area for the number
                            [valtyp] is the type of the number
                         Output: Number is copied to area pointed to by [HL]
                         Alters: [A], [B], [DE], [HL]

VMOVAF  3218   12824  Move any type from memory to [{d}fac]
                         Input: [HL] points to a number
                            [valtyp] is the type of the number
                         Output: Number is copied to [{d}fac]
                         Alters: [A], [B], [DE], [HL]

VMOVMF  3221   12833  Move any type from [{d}fac] to memory
                         Input: [HL] points to a new area for the number
                            [valtyp] contians the type of the number
                         Output: Number is copied to area pointed to by [HL]
                         Alters: [A], [B], [DE], [HL]

FCOMP   322E   12846  Compare two single precision numbers
                         Input: [BC]_[DE] first argument
                            [fac] second argument
                         Output: A=1 if first less than second
                            A=0 if first=second
                            A=-1 if first greater than second
                         Alters: [A], [HL]

ICOMP   3259   12889  Compare two integers
                         Input: [DE] first argument
                            [HL] second argument
                         Output: A=1 if first less than second
                            A=0 if first=second
                            A=-1 if first greater than second
                         Alters: [A]

DCOMP   326F   12911  Compare two double precision numbers
                         Input: [arg] first argument
                            [dfac] second argument
                         Output: A=1 if first less than second
                            A=0 if first=second
                            A=-1 if first greater than second
                         Alters: All

CONIS   32AD   12973  Convert single precision to an integer
                         Input: [fac] single precision argument
                         Output: [fac] integer argument
                         Alters: All
                         Notes: If overflow then return to BASIC

CONSD   32DA   13018  Convert double precision to single precision
                         Input: [dfac] double precision argument
                         Output: [fac] single precision argument
                         Alters: All

CONSI   32ED   13037  Convert an integer to single precision
                         Input: [fac] integer argument
                         Output: [fac] single precision argument
                         Alters: All

CONDS   3304   13060  Convert single precision to double precision
                         Input: [fac] single precision argument
                         Output: [dfac] double precision argument
                         Alters: [A], [HL]

ISUB    33F7   13303  Compute the difference of two integers
                         Input: [DE] first arg
                            [HL] second arg
                         Output: [DE]-[HL] value in FAC and [HL],
                            If valtyp=sngtyp then overflow
                         Alters: All

IADD    3403   13315  Compute the sum of two integers
                         Input: [DE] first arg
                            [HL] second arg
                         Output: [DE]+[HL] value in FAC and [HL],
                            If valtyp=sngtyp then overflow
                         Alters: All

IMULT   3423   13347  Compute the product of two integers
                         Input: [DE] first arg
                            [HL] second arg
                         Output: [DE]x[HL] value in FAC and [HL],
                            If valtyp=sngtyp then overflow
                         Alters: All

IDIV    347A   13434  Compute the quotient and remainder of two integers
                         Input: [DE] first arg
                            [HL] second arg
                         Output: [DE] remainder of [DE]/[HL]
                            [HL] quotient of [DE]/[HL]
                         Alters: All
                         Notes: If [HL]=000 then BASIC error ?/0 occurs

DSUB    34F1   13553  Subtract two double precision numbers
                         Input: [dfac] first argument
                            [arg] second argument
                         Output: [dfac]=[dfac]-[arg]
                         Alters: All
                         Notes: Overflow returns to BASIC

DADD    34F8   13560  Add two double precision numbers
                         Input: [dfac] first argument
                            [arg] second argument
                         Output: [dfac]=[dfac]+[arg]
                         Alters: All
                         Notes: Overflow returns to BASIC

DMULT   3639   13881  Multiply two double precision numbers
                         Input: [dfac] first argument
                            [arg] second argument
                         Output: [dfac]=[dfac]x[arg]
                         Alters: All
                         Notes: Overflow returns to BASIC

DDIV    3691   13969  Divide two double precision numbers
                         Input: [dfac] first argument
                            [arg] second argument
                         Output: [dfac]=[dfac]/[arg]
                         Alters: All
                         Notes: Overflow or /0 returns to BASIC

FIN     3726   14118  Convert a string to a number
                         Input: [HL] points to the string representation
                            of the number
                         Output: [{d}fac] contains value
                            [valtyp] contains the type of the returned number
                            [HL] points to the last character of the string
                         Alters: All
                         Notes: No sytax check is made
                            Overflow returns to BASIC

PRASC   3898   14488  Print a number to the screen in ASCII
                       Input: [HL] contains number to be printed
                       Alters: Unknown
                       Notes: Number ***

FOUT    38A8   14504  Convert a number to a formatted string
                         Input: [{d}fac] contains value
                            [valtyp] is the type of the value
                            [A] is a bit map
                            Bit 7=1 output in fixed format, else free format
                            Bit 6=1 format in groups of three digits
                                    with comma separators
                            Bit 5=1 fill leading spaces with asterisks
                            Bit 4=1 output with floating dollar sign
                            Bit 3=1 output the sign of a positive number
                            Bit 2=1 output sign after the number
                            Bit 1=1 unused at this time
                            Bit 0=1 output in floating point, else fixed
                                    point notation
                            [B] number of places to the left of the decimal
                            [C] number of places to the right of the decimal
                            Includes decimal point, but not 4 positons
                            for exponent
                         Output: [fbuffr] contains the string representation
                         Alters: All
                         Notes: String is terminated by a nul (000)

SQR     3D4D   15693  Compute the square root of a single precison #
                         Input: [fac] argument
                         Output: [fac] result
                         Alters: All
                         Notes: Errors return to BASIC

FPWR    3D5E   15710  Raise a single precision number to a power
                         Input: [BC]_[DE] exponent
                            [fac] base
                         Output: [fac] result
                         Alters: All
                         Notes: Errors return to BASIC

EXP     3DAD   15789  Compute the base value of a single precision # to e
                         Input: [fac] argument
                         Output: [fac] result
                         Alters: All
                         Notes: Errors return to BASIC

RND     3E4A   15946  Compute a random number between zero and one
                         Input: [fac] less than 0 start a new sequence {reseed}
                            [fac]=0 return the last value generated
                            [fac]>0 return the next random number
                         Output: [fac] result
                         Alters: All
                         Notes: Errors return to BASIC

COS     3EBD   16061  Compute the cosine of an angle expessed in radians
                         Input: [fac] argument
                         Output: [fac] result
                         Alters: All
                         Notes: Errors return to BASIC

SIN     3EC3   16067  Compute the sine of an angle expressed in radians
                         Input: [fac] argument
                         Output: [fac] result
                         Alters: All
                         Notes: Errors return to BASIC

TAN     3F5E   16222  Compute the tangent of an angle expressed in radians
                         Input: [fac] argument
                         Output: [fac] result
                         Alters: All
                         Notes: Errors return to BASIC

ATN     3F73   16243  Compute an angle in radians from its tangent
                         Input: [fac] argument
                         Output: [fac] result
                         Alters: All
                         Notes: Errors return to BASIC

RUNC    3FF5   16373  Initialize BASIC to run a program
                         Output: Unknown, assume nothing
                         Alters: All including stack pointer

CLEAR0  3FFC   16380  Reset BASIC's operating enviorment
                         Alters: All

ISLET   4141   16705  Determine if character at hl is a letter
                         Input: [HL] is the txtpnt
                         Output: [A]=character at hl
                            Carry set = not a letter
                         Alters: [A] and flags

ISLET2  4142   16706  Determine if character in A is a letter
                         Input: [A] character to check
                         Output: Carry set = not a letter
                         Alters: [A] and flags

CRLF    4251   16977  Send CR/LF to screen or printer

SENDLF  4254   16980  Send LF to screen or printer *

BEEP    4258   16984  Generate a BEEP

CLRHOM  425C   16988  Moves cursor to home position - doesn't clear screen

CLS     4260   16992  Clears the screen, returns cursor to home position

PROT8   4264   16996  Protect line 8 (ESC T)

UNPROT  4269   17001  Unprotect line 8 (ESC U)

NOSCRL  426E   17006  Inhibit screen scroll

SCRL    4273   17011  Enable screen scroll

CSRON   4278   17016  Turns cursor on

CSROFF  427D   17021  Turns cursor off

DELIN   4282   17026  Delete line cursor is on

INSRT   4287   17031  Insert a line at cursor 

DELEOL  428C   17036  Delete from cursor to end of line

ESCX    4291   17041  Send ESC X *

STDCSR  4296   17046  Make cursor the standard "BLOCK" cursor

ALTCSR  429B   17051  Make cursor the "UNDERLINE" cursor

REVERS  42A2   17058  Start inverse character mode

NORMAL  42A7   17063  Cancel inverse character mode

ESC_A   42A9   17065  Send an ESCAPE A to console

POSCSR  42B5   17077  Position cursor - H=row/ L=col *

POSIT   42BF   17087  Set cursor position
                         Input: [H] is x, [L] is y {relative to one}
                         Alters: [A], [HL], and flags
                         Notes: This routine is not reccomended for use

ERAFNK  42C3   17091  Erase the function key line
                         Alters: All

SETDFN  42E1   17121  Set and display function key line *

DSPFNK  42E4   17124  Display the function keys
                         Alters: All

CHPUT   4363   17251  Send a character to screen
                         Input: [A] is character to print

CLS2    45CC   17868  Alternate routine to clear the screen

PINLIN  4798   18328  Input a line from the keyboard, even include prompt
                         Output: Line goes into BUF (F5A1h) 

PINPUT  47A4   18340  Input line from keyboard into BUF, show ? prompt *
                         Output: Line goes into BUF (F5A1h) 

INLIN   47AA   18346  Input a line from the keyboard starting at cursor
                         Output: Line goes into BUF (F5A1h) 
                         Alters: Unknown

PTRGET  49AF   18863  Get the pointer to a variable
                         Input: [HL] points to the text of the variable
                         Output: [DE] points to the varialbe descriptor
                            [HL] points to the next text position past number
                         Alters: Unknown, assume all

RST20V  4CFA   19706  RST 20H vector, send char to scrn or printer *

LPTCHR  4D0B   19723  Print char in A to printer, expand tabs *

REINIT  4D3B   19771  Reinitialize screen back to LCD *

LCDSCR  4D54   19796  LCD character output routine (from A) *

SNDCR   4D61   19809  Send CRLF if needed to end current line *

NAMSCN  4DBD   19901  Parse a file name in text
                         Input: [HL] contains txtpnt
                         Output: File name is parsed into [filnam]
                            [D] is the disk #
                            [HL] points to first location past the name
                            Carry is set if default device [ram file]
                         Alters: Unknown, assume all
                         Notes: Errors return to BASIC

SCNBLK  4E29   20009  Fetch the next character from a block
                         Input: [E] is number of characters left in string
                            [HL] points to the string
                         Output: [HL]=[HL]+1
                           [A] is the character at [HL] b/4 inc
                           Zero is set if at end of block
                         Alters: All

GETFLP  4E2D   20013  Get file pointer w/o setting up ptrfil or drvptr
                         Input: [fac] file number
                         Output: [HL] is file pointer
                            [A] mode with flags set
                            [drvptr] is disk pointer
                         Alters: All

GETFNI  4E30   20016  Get information for the file number in the A register *

SETFIL  4E6B   20075  Set up fcb file pointers
                         Input: [A] file number
                         Alters: All

OPNST   4E77   20087  Open Statement *

NULOPN  4EBE   20158  Open a .DO file
                         Input: [A] is file number
                            [B]=open mode: 001 input - 002 output - 008 append
                            [D] must be 0f9
                            [HL] should point to a nul character
                            Filename to open in filnam
                         Alters: All
                         Notes: Error return to BASIC

CLSFIL  4EE4   20196  Close a .DO file
                         Input: [A] file number
                         Alters: All
                         Notes: Data channels can be closed with this

CLSLCL  4F05   20229  LCD/CRT/LPT file close routine *

CLSALL  4FBF   20415  Close all files
                         Alters: All except [HL]
                         Notes: Closes data channels also

FILOU1  4FEF   20463  Write a character to a .DO file
                         Input: [A] caharacter to write
                         Notes: Must be directly preceded by a setfil call
                            Errors cause return to BASIC

INDSKC  5015   20501  Get a character from a .DO file
                         Input: None
                         Output: Carry set if end of file else reset
                            [A] is character read if successful
                         Alters: [A] and flags
                         Notes: Must be preceded directly by a setfil call

INDSKE  5025   20517  Clean stack after an input
                         Input: None
                         Output: [DE],[HL],[BC] are values from stack
                         Alters: All

FILLZ   50A0   20640  Fills nulls into a memory range.
                         Input: [HL] start address
                           [B] number of bytes to fill

FILMEM  50A1   20641  Fill memory at HL for B bytes with byte in A *
                         Input: [HL] start address
                           [B] number of bytes to fill
                           [A] byte to fill

INITP#  50C4   20676  Called by PRINT statement to initialize PRINT #   *

NOSKCR  51B9   20921  Create data string from input w/o linefeeds
                         Output: [HL] restored
                         Alters: All except [HL]

DERBFN  51E4   20964  Abort BASIC and issue bad file name message

DERFAO  51E7   20967  Abort BASIC and issue file already open message

DERFDR  51EA   20970  Abort BASIC and issue direct statement in file

DERFNF  51ED   20973  Abort BASIC and issue file not founund message

DERFNO  51F0   20976  Abort BASIC and issue file not open message

DERIFN  51F3   20979  Abort BASIC and issue illegal file name message

DERIER  51F6   20982  Abort BASIC and issue internal error message

DERRPE  51F9   20985  Abort BASIC and issue read past end message

DERTMF  51FC   20988  Abort BASIC and issue too many files message

DEVNMT  528D   21133  Start of device name table *

ENDNMT  52AA   21162  End of device name table *

GENDSP  52B9   21177  Dispatch to the i/o offset in A
                         Input: [A] e.xxx entry offset
                            [HL] points to a fcb
                         Output: Nothing - dispatches immediately to 
                            another routine
                         Alters: None

TELCOM  52DC   21212  Jumps to Telcom program

PRNSTT  5353   21331  Print current stat/ return to TELCOM ready *

TERM    5388   21384  Jumps into Telcom's TERM mode ** 8201 ONLY **

PREV    5459   21593  Previous screen routine

UP      54C5   21701  TELCOM's upload function * (M100/ 8201 ONLY!)

DOWN    5550   21840  TELCOM's download function * (M100/ 8201 ONLY!)

PRBUF2  563F   22079  Print buffer at HL till a null or quote, start at BOL *
                         Input: [HL] start address of buffer

MENU    5645   22085  Main Menu jump point

PRNTIM  5D83   23939  Clear screen and print current date & time *

PRNTM2  5D86   23942  Same as PRNTIM but cursor is only homed (no CLS) *

DATE    5D8C   23948  Displays date & time at cursor location

PRBUF3  5DA2   23970  Print buffer at HL until a null *
                         Input: [HL] start address of buffer

MVDEHL  5DAC   23980  Move A number of bytes from DE to HL *
                         Input: [DE] source
                           [HL] desintation
                           [A] number of bytes to move

COMPDE  5DCD   24013  Compare DE to HL buf for C bytes or null in DE buf *

SETFN   5DDC   24028  Set new function key table *

DSPFN   5DFB   24059  Display function keys if fn-key flag (CNSDFG) enabled *

GETST   5E5B   24155  Get start address of file *

FNDBUF  5F48   24392  Find text in HL buf within DE *

CKCRLF  5F76   24438  Check next byte(s) in DE buf for CRLF *

GETUPR  5FA0   24480  Wait for char from keyboard and convert it to uppercase *

DSPTIM  5FA6   24486  Displays date/time on top line of screen until keypress *

TEXT    5FC4   24516  Jumps to Text program

MAKBAT  6518   25880  Make a hole from all available memory
                         Input: Start address for hole in [asctab]
                         Output: [BC] length of hole created
                         Alters: Unknown, assume all

MVHLDE  67A8   26536  Move bytes from HL to DE until null *

INSTXT  6BFE   27646  Insert a character into a text file *

MAKHOL  6C0A   27658  Make a hole of bc bytes at hl
                         Input: [HL] start address for hole
                            [BC] length of hole to create
                         Output: Carry set if out of memory else reset
                         Alters: [A], [DE]

MASDEL  6C3C   27708  Deletes bc bytes at hl
                         Input: [HL] start address for mass delete
                            [BC] length of delete

LDIRSB  6C78   27768  Do z80 ldir instruction
                         Input: [HL] source address
                            [DE] destination address
                            [BC] number of bytes to move
                         Alters: All

LDDRSB  6C83   27779  Do z80 lddr instruction
                         Input: [HL] source address
                            [DE] destination address
                            [BC] number of bytes to move
                         Alters: All

TMPSAV  6CF7   27895  Temporarily saves the function keys *

RESTOR  6D00   27904  Restores the function keys *

REINIT  6D3A   27962  Re-initialize system/ User files are not lost

PRINT   6D92   28050  Send a character to the line printer
                         Input: [A] is character to print
                         Output: Carry is set if i/o aborted with shift stop
                            else reset
                         Alters: Flags

RCVX    6DC2   28098  Sees if there's a character waiting in RS-232 queue.
                         Input: None
                         Output: Zero flag set if no character in queue.
                                 Zero flag reset if character(s) waiting.
                                 When the Zero flag is set, [A] shows 
                                 number of charactes in queue.
                         Alters: [A] and Flags

RV232C  6DD3   28115  Get character from RS-232 queue.
                         Input: None
                         Output: Carry set if aborted by SHIFT-STOP
                                 Carry reset and Zero flag set if read is
                                   successful.  [A] holds character.
                                 Carry reset and Zero flag reset if there
                                   is a receive error.  [A] contains a 
                                   garbage character in this case.
                         Alters: [A] and Flags

SD232C  6EBE   28350  Send a character to the RS-232C port.
                         Input: [A] is character to send
                         Output: Carry is set if i/o aborted with shift stop
                            else reset
                         Alters: [A] and Flags

INZ232  6F58   28504  Initializes the USART (RS-232 Port)
                         Input: [H] = Bps rate specifier
                                [L] = Data length, parity, stop bits
                                [B] = RTS/DTR specifier
                                [C] = Should be FFh
                         Alters: None

CMTRMT  6FD9   28633  Turn cassette motor on or off.
                         Input: [E] = 0 turns off motor
                                [E] = 1 turns on motor
                         Alters: [A] and flags

ADDKEY  7253   29267  Adds a character to the keyboard buffer *

GETCH   7279   29305  Get a char from keyboard - don't wait
                         Output: Zero is set if a key has been pressed, else
                            reset.  [A] contains character read from keyboard
                         Alters: Flags
                         Notes: Must be used in a loop

BREAKX  72DF   29407  See if shift stop has been pressed
                         Output: Carry is set if shift stop has pressed
                            else reset
                         Alters: [A] and flags
                         Notes: Direct keyboard check

MUSIC   730D   29453  Generate sound 
                         Input: [DE] is frequency, [B] is length of tone
                         Alters: Unknown

LCD Functions
The following functions are detailed in depth
in the following book: "Hidden Powers of the
TRS-80 Model 100" by Christopher L. Morgan,
c1984 by The Waite Group Inc. c/o New American
Library, New York, NY.  The code in the NEC is
the same as the M100 except for addresses.

75ON    74C0   29888  Turns on RST 7.5, the hardware interrupt that
                      controls the NEC's background task. RST 7.5
                      must be turned off before using the low-level
                      LCD routines, but it must be turned back on
                      to restore the NEC to normal functionality.
                      WARNING: ALWAYS MAKE CERTAIN RST 7.5 GETS
                         Input:  None
                         Alters: A
                         Notes:  [D Firth, 12/1998]

PLOT    74D0   29904  Set a dot on the lcd
                         Input: [D] is x, [E] is y
                         Alters: All
                         Notes: No range checking is done

UNPLOT  74D1   29905  Reset an lcd dot
                         Input: [D] is x, [E] is y
                         Alters: All

LCDWR   7563   30051  Write bytes from memory to the active LCD driver.
                         Input:  B  = command byte for LCD driver
                                 E  = number of bytes to write
                                 HL = source of bytes in memory
                         Alters: Unknown. Assume all.
                         Notes:  [D Firth, 12/1998]

LCDRD   757E   30078  Read bytes from the active LCD driver to memory.
                         Input:  B  = command byte for LCD driver
                                 E  = number of bytes to read
                                 HL = destination of bytes in memory
                         Alters: Unknown. Assume all.
                         Notes:  [D Firth, 12/1998]

LCDSEL  75C4   30148  Selects which of the ten horizontal LCD drivers
                      is the active driver (0-9). Uses LCDTBL.
                         Input:  HL = addr of entry in LCDTBL
                         Alters: A/PSW
                         Notes:  [D Firth, 12/1998]

LCDTBL  76CC-  30412- Table of ten 2-byte entries used by LCDSEL to
        76DF   30431  control which LCD horizontal driver is active.
                         Notes:  [D Firth, 12/1998]

OFF75   76E5   30437  Turns off RST 7.5, the hardware interrupt that
                      controls the NEC's background task. RST 7.5 must
                      be disabled to modify the I/O ports used by the
                      LCD so that non-LCD bits in the ports aren't
                      modified during a background task interrupt.
                         Input:  None
                         Alters: A
                         Notes:  [D Firth, 12/1998]


BEEP2   76EB   30443  Alternate routine to trigger a BEEP from the speaker

CLICK   76FF   30463  Do a buzzer click

ASC_S   78B7   30903  This address is the START of the ASCII table
                      **NOT A CALLABLE ROUTINE**

ASC_E   7B37   31543  This address is the END of the ASCII table
                      **NOT A CALLABLE ROUTINE**

COLDST  7D83   32131  Cold start routine.  BE CAREFUL!!!  This will
                      have the same affect as pressing CTRL-SHIFT & hitting
                      the RESET button.

LOGO    7E3E   32318  Prints system logo & bytes free *

BYTFRE  7E48   32329  Displays "Bytes Free" string at current cursor location
                         "XXXXX Bytes Free"
BYTFR2  7E52   32338  Displays only the bytes-free value at current cursor loc.

HOKSET  7E66   32358  Reset hook table to default values (gw)

BNK3_2  7EA9   32425  Switches from BANK3 from BANK2

BNKSW   7EAB   32427  Switches from BANK1 to BANK2, or from BANK2 to BANK3,
                      or from BANK3 to BANK1.  (Just like f.10 from main menu)

PUTBNK  7EEB   32491  Put a byte into any bank
                         Input: [B]=bank number: 000 bank one - 008 bank two -
                            00c bank three
                            [HL]=address of byte to read
                            [D]=byte to put in any bank
                         Alters: [A], [C], and flags
                         Notes: Interrupts must be disabled for this

GETBNK  7EEC   32492  Get a byte from any bank
                         Input: [B]=bank number: 000 bank one - 008 bank two - 
                            00c bank three
                            [HL]=address of byte to read
                         Output: [D]=byte
                         Alters: [A], [C], [D], and flags
                         Notes: Interrupts must be disabled for this

DEFILE  7F1C   32540  Change maxfiles value
                         Input: [A] new number of files
                         Alters: All and stack pointer also
                         Notes: Precede this call with a clsall call and 
                            follow it with a CLEAR0.
                            Call to insure correct processing

RETADR  7FDB   32731  Return address for hooks which do nothing
                         Input: Unknown


                     * UPPER MEMORY "BOOKKEEPING" AREA * 

Name    Hex    Dec    Description
------ ------ ------  -------------------------------------------------------
FSIDSV  F380   62336  Address to jump to on first power up
ATIDSV  F382   62338  Address to jump to resume
HIMEM   F384   62340  Highest memory available to BASIC (clear value)
PWRHOK  F386   62342  Rst 00 hook
INTRPT  F389   62345  Rst 5.5 hook normally barcode reader
R65HOK  F38C   62348  Rst 6.5 hook normally UART (COM)
R75HOK  F38F   62351  Rst 7.5 hook normally from timer
NMI     F392   62354  NMI hook normally power down vector
CHKROM  F395   62357  This is entry to check for second ROM
CKROM1  F3A4   62372  This is entry to copy romname to directory

BRUN    F3B9   62393  This is entry to execute second ROM.

                      [Some ROMs use 62394. 62393 seems to hold a NOP
                       usually. May be used in conjunction with EXEC
                       A and HL variable passing at 63911 & 63912.
                       D Firth 17-JUL-1998]

BRUN2   F3BA   62394  This executes second ROM

ROMFLG  F3BF   62399  Flag 00 if no second ROM
TELCAD  F3C0   62400  Address of telcom main function key dispatch table
TERMAD  F3C2   62402  Address into term at display last page
EVLHOK  F3C8   62408  Hook out of expression evaluator
CSIHOK  F3CB   62411  Hook to cassette read a byte
CSOHOK  F3CE   62414  Hook to cassette write a byte
CRDHOK  F3D1   62417  Hook to cassette read sync leader
CWRHOK  F3D4   62420  Hook to cassette write sync leader
NSTHOK  F3D7   62423  Hook ???
INSFLG  F3DA   62426  Flag 00 is non-insert mode
BANK    F3DB   62427  Current bank selected
RVSCUR  F3DC   62428  Cursor make pattern
ERRHOK  F3DD   62429  Hook out of error handler
FNKPNT  F3E0   62432  Pointer to function key storage
PASPNT  F3E2   62434  Pointer to paste buffer
CONFLG  F3E4   62436  Console type 0=LCD 1=CRT
CSRY    F3E5   62437  Current cursor Y position
CSRX    F3E6   62438  Current cursor X positon
LINCNT  F3E7   62439  Console height
LINWDT  F3E8   62440  Console width
CNSDFG  F3E9   62441  Flag 0 do not display function keys
LOKFLG  F3EA   62442  Flag 00 = screen scrolls
CSRFLG  F3EB   62443  Flag 00 = enable screen flag
LCDCSY  F3EC   62444  LCD cursor position (Y)
LCDCSX  F3ED   62445  LCD cursor position (X)
CRTCSY  F3EE   62446  CRT cursor position (Y)
CRTCSX  F3EF   62447  CRT cursor position (X)
CRTCNT  F3F0   62448  Number of crt lines
CRTWDT  F3F1   62449  Length of crt line in characters
ESCCNT  F3F2   62450  Escape processor count
ESCSAV  F3F3   62451  This is paired with above
REVFLG  F3F4   62452  Flag FF=reverse video mode
LPTWDT  F3F5   62453  Length of lineprinter line
WDTSTR  F3F6   62454  4 characters - string representation of LPTWDT
PRVCOO  F3FA   62458  X coordinate of last graphic point plotted
PRVCO2  F3FB   62459  Y coordinate of last graphic point plotted *
MODE    F3FC   62460  Bit 7=in TEXT(FILER); bit 6=in TELCOM
EDTFLG  F3FD   62461  Flag for EDIT command
ERRJMP  F3FE   62462  Address to intercept BASIC's error handler

PRVMON  F400   62464  Previous month storage
KEYWAT  F401   62465  Set to non zero when waiting for key input
PWRINT  F402   62466  Time to power off in tenth's of a minute
FULDUP  F403   62467  Flag FF=telcom in full duplex
ECHO    F404   62468  Flag FF=echo telcom to lineprinter
LFFLG   F405   62469  Flag 00=ingore line feeds in telcom
SERMOD  F406   62470  6 characters of serial initialization string
JMPPLT  F40C   62476  Used to hold a JUMP address (a.k.a. TMPHOK)
TMPAD1  F40D   62477  Temporary 2-byte address holder
TMPAD2  F40F   62479  Temporary 2-byte address holder (a.k.a. MINUPD)
TMPAD3  F411   62481  Temporary 2-byte address holder (a.k.a. MAXUPD)
OUTWRD  F413   62483  Jump to out instruction mask second byte is port
FDIVC   F416   62486  First entry to fast divide
FDIVB   F41A   62490  Second entry to fast divide
FDIVA   F41E   62494  Third entry to fast divide
FDIVG   F421   62497  Fourth entry to fast divide
RNDCNT  F425   62501  ??
RNDTAB  F427   62503  ??
RNDX    F447   62535  Random seed number ie last number generated
STAINP  F44B   62539  Input instruction mask second byte is port number
ENDPRG  F44E   62542  Fake end of program for resume next
ERRFLG  F453   62547  Error number saved here so edit can happen from SN?
LPTLST  F454   62548  Last LPRINT operation 00=linefeed
LPTPOS  F455   62549  Based from zero print head position
PRTFLG  F456   62550  Flag FF=send output to lpt
CLMLST  F457   62551  Position of last comma column
RUBSW   F458   62552  Flag=1 if processing a rubout
STKTOP  F459   62553  Top location to use for the stack
CURLIN  F45B   62555  Current BASIC line number
TXTTAB  F45D   62557  Pointer to beginning of BASIC text
VLZADR  F45F   62559  Address of character replaced by VAL
KBUF    F462   62562  Keyboard krunch buffer

BUFMIN  F5A0   62880  End of krunch (comma)
BUF     F5A1   62881  Start of direct execution buffer

ENDBUF  F6A3   63139  End of direct execution buffer
TTYPOS  F6A4   63140  Current TTY position
FNKSTR  F6A5   63141  Function key storage area

LNKWRK  F745   63301  Flag for directory link
BASFNK  F746   63302  BASIC's function keys
IPLBUF  F7E6   63462  Place to store IPL command

LINTTB  F827   63527  Line terminator table for screen editor
FSTPOS  F82F   63535  Cursor position when inlin entered
CSTYLE  F831   63537  Cursor style
TIMBUF  F832   63538  Buffer for clock chip:  (TIMSC1: Seconds (ones))
TIMSC2  F833   63539  Seconds (tens)
TIMMN1  F834   63540  Minutes (ones)
TIMMN2  F835   63541  Minutes (tens)
TIMHR1  F836   63542  Hours (ones)
TIMHR2  F837   63543  Hours (tens)
TIMDT1  F838   63544  Day (ones)
TIMDT2  F839   63545  Day (tens)
TIMDOW  F83A   63546  Day of week code (0=Sun / 1=Mon / etc..) **Not implemented?**
TIMMON  F83B   63547  Current month
TIMYR1  F83C   63548  Year (ones)
TIMYR2  F83D   63549  Year (tens)
TIMCNT  F83E   63550  Counter (150 to 1)
TIMCN2  F83F   63551  Counter (12 to 1)
TIMINT  F840   63552  Time for "POWER n"
TMOFLG  F841   63553  Time out flag
TIMWRK  F842   63554  Work space for TIME
TRPTBL  F84C   63564  Table of I/O traps

#  File Directory Information
BASIC   F84F   63567  BASIC's directory entry
TEXT    F85A   63578  TEXT's directory entry
TELCOM  F865   63589  TELCOM's directory enry
NULDIR  F870   63600  Directory entry for non-registered BASIC program
SCRDIR  F87B   63611  SCRAP's directory entry
EDTDIR  F886   63622  Directory entry for edit workspace
USRDIR  F891   63633  First user directory entry, of 21
DIREND  F978   63864  End of directory mark (0FF)

   Format of 11-byte directory entry
   Byte 0          Directory Flag
                     Bit 7 - Master bit    (1=valid entry)
                     Bit 6 - ASCII bit     (1=ASCII text file)
                     Bit 5 - Binary bit    (1=Machine language file)
                     Bit 4 - File-in-ROM   (1=File is in ROM)
                     Bit 3 - Hidden file   (1=hidden from main menu)
                     Bit 2 - (not used)
                     Bit 1 - RAM File open (1=currrently open flag)
                     Bit 0 - (internal use - set to 0 normally)
   Bytes 1-2       Address Field
                     *For a BASIC program, it's the address to what
                       TXTTAB must be set.
                     *For an ASCII text file, it's the beginning addr
                     *For a binary file, it's the beginning addr
                     *For a ROM file, it's the entry address
   Bytes 3-10      File name

DIRPNT  F979   63865  Pointer to directory of current BASIC program
CASPRV  F97B   63867  Storage for previous character for cassette
COMPRV  F97C   63868  Storage for previous character for COM port
WNDPRV  F97D   63869  Storage for previous character for bar code reader
RAMPRV  F97E   63870  Storage for previous character for ram files (16)
PASPRV  F98E   63886  ??
FILNUM  F98F   63887  Current file number
ROMNAM  F991   63889  This is where the second rom name is
FSTFLG  F999   63897  Set to 1 to indicate this is a power-up condition. 
                        ;Causes IPL execution to happen on return to menu.
INLCUR  F99A   63898  Cursor save flag when INLIN entered
SAVECN  F99B   63899  Save area for CONTXT,CONSAV,CONTYP, & CONLO
ASAVE   F9A7   63911  [A] parameter for EXEC
HLSAVE  F9A8   63912  [HL] parameter for EXEC
FSTLIN  F9AA   63914  Address of first line decrunched
LSTLIN  F9AC   63916  Address of last line decrunched
STAKSV  F9AE   63918  Save area for sp during power off state
BOTTOM  F9B0   63920  Bottom address of ram
DNLFLG  F9B2   63922  Download flag
UPLFLG  F9B3   63923  Upload flag
DNLPNT  F9B4   63924  Down load pointer
TELPRV  F9B6   63926  Previous character for UP/DOWN load
SNDSFT  F9B7   63927  SI/SO status for send
RCVSFT  F9B8   63928  SI/SO status for receive
CRTFLG  F9B9   63929  CRT flag for CONOUT's use
MENFLG  F9BA   63930  Flag for menu mode
MFCFLG  F9BB   63931  Menu subcommand flag
OFSSAV  F9BC   63932  Offset save for hook dispatch
POSSAV  F9BD   63933  Position save for INLIN
CSFGSV  F9BE   63934  Save area for CSRFLG
FDSSAV  F9BF   63935  Save area for function key display flag
BINADD  F9C0   63936  Location of machine language program (load or save)
BINLEN  F9C2   63938  Length of machine language proram (load or save)
BINEXE  F9C4   63940  Execution address for machine language program
                        ;Is set unconditionally by RLOADM
TOTOFS  F9CA   63946  Total number of bytes since load executed
HOKTBL  F9CC   63948  Start of dispatch table for hooks

#  The following hooks are normally set to RET (219,127):
           --Address--  -Offset-         
Name       Hex   Dec    Hex  Dec  Notes
---------  ----  -----  ---  --   -----------------
H.CLEAR    F9CC  63948  000  0    Called from 4181
H.MAXRAM   F9CE  63950  002  2    Not used
H.CHGET1   F9D0  63952  004  4    Called from 1756
H.CHSNS    F9D2  63954  006  6    Called from 1850
H.CHPUT    F9D4  63956  008  8    Called from 4367
H.LCDPUT   F9D6  63958  00A  10   Called from 4374
H.CHPLPT   F9D8  63960  00C  12   Called from 18DD
H.SETFIL   F9DA  63962  00E  14   Called from 4E74
H.INDSKC   F9DC  63964  010  16   Called from 5020
H.RSLFIL   F9DE  63966  012  18   Called from 5078
H.BAKUPT   F9E0  63968  014  20   Called from 51B4
H.NTFLO    F9E2  63970  016  22   Called from 4F00
H.SAVE     F9E4  63972  018  24   Called from 4F85
H.NOFOR    F9E6  63974  01A  26   Called from 4EBB
H.MERGE    F9E8  63976  01C  28   Called from 4F30
H.NULOPN   F9EA  63978  01E  30   Called from 4ED3
H.GETPTR   F9EC  63980  020  32   Called from 4E55
H.FILOU1   F9EE  63982  022  34   Called from 4FFB
H.BINSAV   F9F0  63984  024  36   Called from 4FB5
H.BINLOD   F9F2  63986  026  38   Called from 4FBA
H.EOF      F9F4  63988  028  40   Called from 1CFE
H.PARDEV   F9F6  63990  02A  42   Called from 5211
H.NODEVN   F9F8  63992  02C  44   Called from 522F
H.DEVNAM   F9FA  63994  02E  46   Called from 523F
H.POSDSK   F9FC  63996  030  48   Called from 5232
H.GENDSP   F9FE  63998  032  50   Called from 52B9
H.FILES    FA00  64000  034  52   Called from 211D
H.CHGCON   FA02  64002  036  54   Called from 2041
H.MSVB     FA04  64004  038  56   Called from 5981
H.MSVC     FA06  64006  03A  58   Called from 5935
H.MLDB     FA08  64008  03C  60   Called from 249D
H.MLDC     FA0A  64010  03E  62   Called from 257A
H.PCPINL   FA0C  64012  040  64   Called from 479E
H.PCINL    FA0E  64014  042  66   Called from 47AA
H.CHKHIM   FA10  64016  044  68   Called from 28F1
H.ESCAPE   FA12  64018  046  70   Called from 4471
H.TELFNK   FA14  64020  048  72   Called from 52DC
H.TRMSTA   FA16  64022  04A  74   Called from 5388
H.TRMEND   FA18  64024  04C  76   Called from 55F3
H.COMOPN   FA1A  64026  04E  78   Called from 1BE4
H.COMCLS   FA1C  64028  050  80   Called from 1C01
H.SD232C   FA1E  64030  052  82   Called from 6EBE
H.MPXSEL   FA20  64032  054  84   Called from 6FB2
H.TELERR   FA22  64034  056  86   Called from 52EA
H.PRTTTL   FA24  64036  058  88   Called from 7E47
H.UPLD     FA26  64038  05A  90   Called from 5501
H.TEXT     FA28  64040  05C  92   Called from 623A

# The following hooks are normally set to FCERR (135,11):
           --Address--  -Offset-         
Name       Hex   Dec    Hex  Dec  Notes
---------  ----  -----  ---  --   -----------------
H.WIDTHS   FA2A  64042  05E  94   Called from 1FDF
H.SCREEN   FA2C  64044  060  96   Called from 204A
H.TVOPN    FA2E  64046  062  98   Called from 196C
H.TVCLS    FA30  64048  064  100  Not used 
H.TVOUT    FA32  64050  066  102  Called from 196E
H.TVINP    FA34  64052  068  104  Called from 1970
H.TVBCK    FA36  64054  06A  106  Called from 1672
H.WAOPN    FA38  64056  06C  108  Called from 1CF6
H.WACLS    FA3A  64058  06E  110  Called from 1CF8
H.WAINP    FA3C  64060  070  112  Called from 1CFA
H.WABCK    FA3E  64062  072  114  Called from 1CFC
H.LOF      FA40  64064  074  116  Called from 5201
H.LOC      FA42  64066  076  118  Called from 5203
H.LFILES   FA44  64068  078  120  Called from 5205
H.DSKI$    FA46  64070  07A  122  Called from 5209
H.DSKO$    FA48  64072  07C  124  Called from 5207
H.KILL     FA4A  64074  07E  126  Called from 2189
H.NAME     FA4C  64076  080  128  Called from 2239
H.MSAVE    FA4E  64078  082  130  Called from 265B
H.MLOAD    FA50  64080  084  132  Called from 2894
H.GLINE    FA52  64082  086  134  Called from 1F74
H.COLOR    FA54  64084  088  136  Called from 1FE3
H.CMD      FA56  64086  08A  138  Called from 1FE1
H.STATUS   FA58  64088  08C  140  Called from 1FE5
H.DSKF     FA5A  64090  08E  142  Called from 520B
H.FPOS     FA5C  64092  090  144  Called from 520D
H.FORMAT   FA5E  64094  092  146  Called from 520F


REVTBL  FA60   64096  Reverse attribute table
TXTEND  FA88   64136  Current end of .DO storage
DIMFLG  FA8A   64138  Flag to find array variable
VALTYP  FA8B   64139  Type flage for value in {d}FAC
OPRTYP  FA8C   64140  Same as dores
DORES   FA8C   64140  Flag to crunch reserved words in strings
DONUM   FA8D   64141  Flag FF means numbers in strings are crunched
CONTXT  FA8E   64142  Place to store txtpnt after constant scanned
CONSAV  FA90   64144  Token for scanned constant
CONTYP  FA91   64145  Saved constant VALTYP
CONLO   FA92   64146  Constant buffer
MEMSIZ  FA9A   64154  Highest location in memory
TEMPPT  FA9C   64156  Pointer to first free temp discriptor
TEMPST  FA9E   64158  Storage for numtmp temp discriptors
DSCTMP  FABC   64188  Result discriptor for string functions
FRETOP  FABF   64191  Top of string free space
TEMP3   FAC1   64193  Multipurpose string register
TEMP8   FAC3   64195  Used in garbage collection
ENDFOR  FAC5   64197  Save text pointer at end of for statement
DATLIN  FAC7   64199  Data line number
SUBFLG  FAC9   64201  Flag to allow subscripted variables in functions
USFLG   FACA   64202  ??
FLGINP  FACA   64202  Flag to indicate INPUT or READ statement
TEMP    FACB   64203  Used by misc. Microsoft routines as parameter pass
PTRFLG  FACD   64205  Flag 0 if no line numbers converted
SAVTXT  FACE   64206  Save for TXTPNT used by RESUME
SAVSTK  FAD0   64208  Save for SP used by RESUME
ERRLIN  FAD2   64210  Line number of last error
DOT     FAD4   64212  Current line for edit and list
ERRTXT  FAD6   64214  Text pointer for use by RESUME
ONELIN  FAD8   64216  "ON ERROR" line number
ONEFLG  FADA   64218  Flag 1 if in error recovery routine
TEMP2   FADB   64219  Formula evaluator temporary storage
OLDLIN  FADD   64221  Old line number set by ^C,STOP, or END
OLDTXT  FADF   64223  Old text pointer points to next line to execute
ASCTAB  FAE1   64225  Pointer to start of ascii files
BINTAB  FAE3   64227  Pointer to start of binary files
VARTAB  FAE5   64229  Pointer to start of simple variable space
ARYTAB  FAE7   64231  Pointer to beginning of array table
STREND  FAE9   64233  End of storage in use
DATPTR  FAEB   64235  Pointer to current data item
DEFTBL  FAED   64237  Table of implicit variable definitions

PRMSTK  FB07   64263  Previous definition block on stack
PRMLEN  FB09   64265  Number of bytes in active table
PARM1   FB0B   64267  Active parameter definition table
PRMPRV  FB0C   64268  Pointer at previous parameter table
PRMLN2  FB0E   64270  Size of paramter block being built
PARM2   FB10   64272  Place to keep parameters being made
PRMFLG  FB11   64273  Used by PTRGET reference to PARM1
ARYTA2  FB12   64274  Stop point for simple search
NOFUNS  FB14   64276  00 if no functions active
TEMP9   FB15   64277  Garbage collection temporary storage
FUNACT  FB17   64279  Number of active functions
VLZDAT  FB19   64281  Character replaced by zero by VAL
EXPAF   FB1A   64282  Exponent adjustment factor
EXPTMP  FB1B   64283  Temp FAC save
DFACLO  FB24   64292  Double precision accumulator
FACLO   FB28   64296  Single precision accumulator
FAC     FB2B   64299  Exponent of single precision
ARGLO   FB2E   64302  Secondary double precision accumulator
ARG     FB35   64309  Exponent for ARGLO
FBUFFER FB36   64310  Used by FOUT to convert number to string
MAXDRV  FB61   64353  Maximum drive number
MAXFIL  FB62   64354  Current maximum file number {read only}
FILTAB  FB63   64355  Points to the address of the file data
DRVTAB  FB65   64357  Points to the address of the drive data
NULBUF  FB67   64359  Points to the file #00 buffer
CURDRV  FB69   64361  Flag 200 if drive 1 0 if drive 0
DRVPTR  FB6A   64362  Points to drive data of selected drive
PTRFIL  FB6C   64364  Points to file data of selected file
FREPLC  FB6E   64366  Point to free slot in buffer
LSTFRE  FB70   64368  Sector and slot #'s of free slot
RUNFLG  FB72   64370  ??
FILMOD  FB72   64370  Hold mode during file open
CMDHED  FB73   64371  Place to store command file header
FILNAM  FB78   64376  9 byte area for setting filenames for search or open
FILNM2  FB81   64385  Format as filname, but used in NAMEB
LSTTRK  FB8A   64394  Last track accessed by DSKI DSKO
LSTSCT  FB8B   64395  Last sector accessed by DSKI DSKO
NLONLY  FB8C   64396  Flag to show loading program or not
SAVFLG  FB8D   64397  Flag non-zero if saving program
DSKBSY  FB8E   64398  Non zero if disk busy
ERRCNT  FB8F   64399  # errors on current function
ERRCN1  FB90   64400  # errors on raw data transfer
RAWFLG  FB91   64401  Zero for read after write
EBCFLG  FB92   64402  Flag 100 for EBCDIC conversion
SAVEBC  FB93   64403  Saves drive EBCDIC status
STAT0   FB94   64404  Interface status
STAT1   FB95   64405  Disk status
LASTFR  FB96   64406  ??
TSTACK  FB96   64406  Top of stack
LINE0   FBC0   64448  Screen buffer 0 - previous page for telecom
LINE0E  FCFF   64767  End of Screen buffer 0
LINE1   FD00   64768  Screen buffer 1 - echos LCD
LINE1E  FE3F   65087  End of Screen Buffer 1
XONOFF  FE40   65088  Flag (00) means XOF has not been received
INHDSP  FE41   65089  Flag (FF)=XOF received, so freeze display
INHBIT  FE42   65090  Flag (0) XON/XOF disabled
COMACT  FE43   65091  Current value of multiplexor selection
ROMSEL  FE44   65092  Copy of port 090 iocnt
COMBLK  FE45   65093  COM1: queue
CMPNT   FE45   65093  Character count
RDADDR  FE46   65094  Read pointer
WTADDR  FE47   65095  Write pointer
CMERR   FE48   65096  Error pointer
CMFLG   FE49   65097  Flag (0)=XOF has been sent
BAUDRT  FE4A   65098  Baud rate table entry address
COMMSK  FE4C   65100  Mask AND'ed with data read by serial port
KEYWRK  FE4D   65101  Keyboard workspace
KYSCNX  FE4D   65101  Flag to determine if keyscan to be done
KYCLRX  FE4E   65102  ??
KYDATA  FE4F   65103  Storage for keyboard matrix read
KYMODE  FE60   65120  Keyboard mode storage
                        ;Bit 0- shift
                        ;Bit 1- control
                        ;Bit 2- graphic
                        ;Bit 3- kana
                        ;Bit 4- numeric
                        ;Bit 5- caps lock
                        ;Bit 6- n/a
                        ;Bit 7- break/pause
KYHOW   FE61   65121  Mode storage of last keypress for repeat
KYREPT  FE62   65122  Wait count for repeat
KYWHAT  FE63   65123  Flag (FF)=no keypress; (01)=new key; (00)=rept
KYBCNT  FE68   65128  Number of characters in KYRDBF
KYRDBF  FE69   65129  Keyboard queue
BRKCHR  FEA9   65193  Int keyboard leaves break character here as flag
FNKSTS  FEAA   65194  Function key display status
WORK    FEAB   65195  Work space for LCD driver
WORK1   FEB1   65201  Storage for character under cursor
CSRSTS  FEB7   65207  Cursor status
CSRCNT  FEB8   65208  Time til next cursor blink
LCTEY   FEB9   65209  Cursor position Y
LCTEX   FEBA   65210  Cursor position X
TMPRM3  FEBB   65211  Physical LCD op temporary storage
LCDACT  FEBD   65213  Indicate writing to LCD
CGPNTR  FEBF   65215  User definer CG data block
DSKMOD  FEC1   65217  Flag to indicate if disk code is loaded
DSKTMO  FEC2   65218  Disk/ram time out constants
BOTFLG  FEC3   65219  Indicates in boot procedure
COMBUF  FEC4   65220  Data buffer for COM:

CMEND   FFC2   65474  Last character of COM buffer


                           * RESTART VECTORS *

Name       Opcode     Description
------     ------     -----------------------------------------------
SYNCHK     RST 1      See if char is the next byte at TXTPNT [HL]
CHRGET     RST 2      Get a character from SYSIN
COMPAR     RST 3      Compare DE and HL, A is destroyed [HL]-[DE]
OUTCHR     RST 4      Send a character to SYSOUT
GETYPE     RST 5      Fetch VALTYP
FSIGN      RST 6      Get sign of floating point number
HOOK       RST 7      Hook table dispatch routine - Next byte in your
                      program after this instruction is the offset.


                      * HARDWARE PORT DEFINITIONS *

Name       Hex  Dec   Notes
--------   ---  ---   -----------------------------------------
A8255      070  112   Video interface port A (8255)
B8255      071  113   Video interface port B (8255)
C8255      072  114   Video interface port C (8255)
CW8255     073  115   Video interface command/mode port (8255)
ROMAH      080  128   128k ROM select and MSBIT of address
ROMAL      084  132   Lowest 8 bits of extended ROM address
ROMAM      088  136   Middle eight bits of 128k ROM address
ROMRD      08C  140   Read data port for 128k ROM
IOCNT      090  144   I/O control port
                         BIT 0-Bank #0 select
                         BIT 1-Bank #1 select
                         BIT 2-Bank #2 (0000-7FFF)
                         BIT 3-Bank #2 (8000-FFFF)
                         BIT 4-Clock strobe
                         BIT 5-Cassette motor
                         BIT 6&7- Serial interface multiplexor
                          00=Not used
                          01=SIO2 (RJ45)
                          10=SIO1 (RJ9)
                          11=COM port RS232C
IOSTS      0A0  160   Return status of IOCNT port
BNKSTT     0A0  160   Current bank number is stored here
PRTSTB     0A1  161   Printer strobe
BNKSEL     0A1  161   This port is used to set the current bank
CS8155     0B8  184   8155 command/status port
PORTA      0B9  185   Printer data
                         KEYBOARD STROBE
                         LCD CHIP SELECT
                         CLOCK DATA
PORTB      0BA  186   Bit 0&1 LCD block select
                         BIT 2-Disable music output
                         BIT 3-CAR detect(0)/RING detect(1)
                         BIT 4-Disable auto power off
                         BIT 5-Disable buzzer
                         BIT 6-DTR ON
                         BIT 7-RTS ON
PORTC      0BB  187   Bit 0-clock data in
                         BIT 1-Printer select
                         BIT 2-Printer busy
                         BIT 3-Bar code reader data in
                         BIT 4-CTS IN
                         BIT 5-DSR IN
TIML       0BC  188   Low byte of timer
TIMH       0BD  189   High byte of timer count
TXRXD      0C8  200   6402 data register
CS6402     0D8  216   RS232 command & status port
KYRTIN     0E8  232   Read keyboard matrix port
LCDCM      0FE  254   LCD command/status port
LCDDT      0FF  255   LCD data port

***** END *****