FIND2.COM DOCUMENTATION Find2 is a public domain utility for the PC-8401A computer that intercepts the LST: device. If a caret (^) is sent to the BDOS LST: device followed immediately by a left square bracket ([), these two characters are replaced by the single ASCII ESC character. This program was written in response to the condition of WordStar-to-go (in the PC-8401A) causing the imbedded ESC character to be printed out as a caret and a left bracket (^[) instead of the ASCII ESC. PC-8401A users that have Non-NEC printers that utilize the ESC code for special printer effects could not obtain the full use of their printer without a LST: filter such as FIND2. ESC can now be entered into WS by typing in ^[ (as well as CTRL-P ESC.) Be sure to set the IPL to FIND2 once it is loaded in your PC-8401A, becuase power-off to power-on transitions cause the BDOS table to be re-written, and therfore nullify this program. The SetIPL can be invoked from the PC-8401A MENU OPTION key - SHIFT-F.2. F.3 is the SetIPL option. Press F.3 and respond to the "Type IPL command" prompt with FIND2. To produce a single caret (^) upon printout, specify caret followed by accent grave (^`.) As an added bonus this program will allow all control characters to be passed to the printer. Simply precede the character you want turned into a control character with a caret character. The following chart displays character input and resulting character output in Hex- adecimal, Decimal and ASCII control-code names: Input Hex Decimal ASCII | Input Hex Decimal ASCII ^@ 00 00 Nul | ^P 10 16 Dle ^A 01 01 Soh | ^Q 11 17 Dc1 ^B 02 02 Stx | ^R 12 18 Dc2 ^C 03 03 Etx | ^S 13 19 Dc3 ^D 04 04 Eot | ^T 14 20 Dc4 ^E 05 05 Enq | ^U 15 21 Nak ^F 06 06 Ack | ^V 16 22 Syn ^G 07 07 Bel | ^W 17 23 Etb ^H 08 08 Bs | ^X 18 24 Can ^I 09 09 Ht | ^Y 19 25 Em ^J 0A 10 Lf | ^Z 1A 26 Sub ^K 0B 11 Vt | ^[ 1B 27 Esc ^L 0C 12 Ff | ^\ 1C 28 Fs ^M 0D 13 Cr | ^] 1D 29 Gs ^N 0E 14 So | ^^ 1E 30 Rs ^O 0F 15 Si | ^_ 1F 31 Us Input: Caret Space(^ ) through Caret Question Mark (^?) and then Caret Acent Grave (^`) through Caret Tilde (^~) on the ASCII chart are undefined and will result in a printable caret (^) being produced only. Example use in WS-to-go: My printer requires an ESC Q to enter Condensed character printing mode, an ESC N to return to normal Pica mode, a 0E hexadecimal to enter Enlarged character printing mode and a 15 decimal to return to normal sized printing. I can use the following: ^[QThis prints condensed characters ^[NNow they are pica sized. ^NThese pica characters will be enlarged ^OThese will be normal sized. ^ ^!^"^#^$^%^&^'^(^)^*^+^,^-^.^/^0^1^2^3^4^5^6^7^8^9^:^;^<^=^>^? The above line produces 32 caret characters only. ^`^a^b^c^d^e^f^g^h^i^j^k^l^m^n^o^p^q^r^s^t^u^v^w^x^y^z^{^|^}^~ The above line produces 31 caret characters only. This produces a backspace (control-h) such as to accent a vowel : e^H' (A printer such as the PC-8023 must be in incremental rather than logic seeking mode to print a literal backspace.) FILE END.